

среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

Devil's lair

Original material, written by Oleg Fyodorov, is available at:
If you have constructive comments or if you find any mistakes in our translation, please feel free to contact us via following e-mail:

Devil's lair

Af (or Ath, Russian - Аф)

Sirius dragon bears the name “Af” [ʌf] [1] since ancient times. More precisely, the dragon spirit of Sirius stellar system, which is the dragon’s origin, is emanating from this binary star.
In the “World’s deepest secret” [2] [Russian - Сокровенная тайна мира] the subject of dragon’s origin named Stellar Dragon is sufficiently well covered. Here I briefly remind that Sirius stellar system has exactly the dragon (reptile) type of spirit. In some basic characteristics it is close to dragon’s (ancient dragon, dinosaur) origin as the one that is present in our planet’s spirit, but the differences are significant enough to consider it as a separate substance. In particular, it is hermaphrodite (bisexual), has very distinct spectrum of spiritual energy, and it is alien, foreign at all. In addition, this origin is much more developed, more sophisticated, subtler, conducts its own alien policy and it is a typical devil’s origin for humanity. This is the origin which takes care of our degrading, steamrolling us to its own hermaphroditic and simply alien principles, and - for the most part - our destroying.

Such dragon’s origin had been known in the ancient times as Af. Our planetary (or - in the very broadest sense of the word - interplanetary, for a whole Solar system) reptile origin had been known as Ur [ur], and their reptile origin had been known as Af.

For example, the word “Africa” came from the name “Af”. This does not mean that the whole Africa as a continent is somehow related to this Af origin and therefore is named after it. Since ancient times Ancient Egyptian lands bear the name “Africa”. It is actually not all lands of Ancient Egypt but exactly the Lower Egypt lands placed closer to the Mediterranean sea and which occupied the Nile delta. In these lands highly powerful ells [ɛls] (places where our planetary spirit is connected with different energy fields from the Space) are placed through which Af energy is manifested. This energy significantly influences the energy field of whole nearby territory, and that is the reason why these lands were named Africa. In ancient times the syllable “Ri” [rɪ] from this word corresponded to such concepts as rhythm, consistency and to some extent a harmony. That is why “afri” means “Af-consistent”, “Af’s harmony”. It is a very natural name for the lands connected with such energy field. Later, the whole continent also came to be known as Africa, but it is only an extension of name on a broader scope.

Location of the strongest Af ells in the Egypt is well-known. On the place of these ellsthe Pyramids are located. They had been built as Af’s energy amplifiers and transmitters. At the present day the Pyramids are continuing its function, acting as one of main sources of evil on our planet.

The name “Af” is also present in word “Afghanistan”. But there is another story only loosely bound with Af. Once the Pashtun were named as Afghans. It is believed that it were the Persians who gave this name for Pashtuns about 2000 years ago. The word “afghan” is referred to the “scream” and “gibber”. Pashtuns’ speech had been perceived by Persians as something gibberish, and due to this reason such name had appeared. But it is only secondary (altered) meaning. Original (early) message of this word is definitely different. “Gha” (“ga” [gʌ]) part corresponds to concept of “way”, “path”. Part “n” turns the full meaning into opposite or even other one. That is the reason why “ghan” (“gan” [gʌn]) can be interpreted as “wayward”, “going on crooked road”. Used in highlighted meaning, it can be found perhaps in such word as hooligan, urkhagan [u:rkʌgʌn] (synonymous to criminal in modern Russian), ganba [gʌnbʌ] (synonymous to shame in modern Ukrainian). The literal sense of “afghan” (“afgan”) is “someone going on crooked road of Af”. It poorly corresponds to Pashtun themselves, but envenoms their life. As the famous saying goes, “What you call a boat, so it will float”. And so Pashtuns sail, with ship waterlogged and without target location.

Another place closely related to Af is Athos. Mount Athos located in the East Greece and is considered as Holy Mountain by Orthodox Christians. Major monastery complex is located there. The “Athon” name is truly ancient and fits the place. However it is not all as easy as it sounds. In origin of the place our planetary energy is emanated, high-powered and very positive. Had the mount only this energy type, one might easily classify Athon as real Holy Mount. Unfortunately, this energy is polluted by Af origin. Whether an Af ell or some Af force nested here, the fact remains that Af spirit manifests its presence too. To be clear, it is not as virulent as one emanating from Egypt Pyramids, but this spirit is present here and a lot of things are subtly twisted.

The situation is more complicated. Not only Af but also Ur, “our” reptile spirit is emanating from Athon. The planetary dragon spirit settled there much later than Stellar dragon. This event is related to global world turmoil that happened about 12000 years ago, when dragon substance had gone on the rampage and possessed a lot of mountains. The Athon Mount has been no  exception in this regard. Since then both dragon origins are present in originally positive mountain. Both run the show by twisting everything in its dragon manner and turning it into theater of the absurd.

At one time I tried to track the way it makes itself felt in Athon’s monks. It shows itself very vividly. There is a great number of images with monks from the place over the Internet, and all of these monks have typical marks growing with age on their foreheads. Af spirit forms mark with a skin fold on bridge of nose. Mark of Ur spirit appears as two vertical lines in space between the eyebrows.  In the “World’s deepest secret” [2] [Russian - Сокровенная тайна мира] the question about such marks is covered explicitly, so the reader is referred to this book for details. All these monks have either one or another emphasized mark. Such a “holy fathers”. It is worth to note that these marks are forming with age after long years of being in contact with those dragon origins. Young monks do not always have it. Also I have tried to interact spiritually (telepathically) with many of those venerated ”holy fathers”. This is not to say that they do not have spiritual abilities, however, it is the most primitive abilities on occult level, and many bad things occurs alongside. Not to say a lot of bad words, theater of the absurd is the theater of the absurd. Such blessed satanists. It is as awkward as many other things in Christianity.

Name of Af is presented in the Greek mythology. For example, Aphrodite is related to that name for a reason: the Af is really appeared in this substance. This spiritual force is known as goddess of love, praised in that image in every possible instance. This mistake flows from lack of knowledge and later disturbed recitations of related myths. Inherently, as grounded in myths, Aphrodite is a goddess of passion originated by Af. It is an evil passion possessing people and turning their love into amorous folly and seeds of every possible disasters. Being a devilish passion, it is aimed to destroy the real love and every bright and originative things related to real love. It is only mimicry to love and speculation in love to turn it into passionate stupidity and to drain foolish person himself. Romeo and Juliet’s love is quite a well example of such passion. Souls of fallen into such amorous madness people are a sure bet to be catched in afterlife by Af. Even when they stay alive, their souls are replaced by emptiness burned in hollow passion.

Herewith Aphrodite is goddess of not just amorous folly, but also of a homosexual passion. All homosexualists (either pederasts or lesbians) live under her guidance. Whenever possible, she brings to this naughty filth. She has an aim to turn person into filthy blackguards, because she is filthy and blackguardly herself.

There is a word - hermaphrodite. It also comes from the Greek mythology as compound word made up of two names, Hermes and Aphrodite. It is held that hermaphrodite is a pledge of their union. Well, Hermes plays here the secondary role, and Aphrodite plays the major part due to her own inherent hermaphrodite nature, due to the fact that she is a force of amorous passion of hermaphrodite Af.

Nevertheless, such parasitism on love resides not only in Af, but in a plenty of other fallen spiritual forces. There is a special spiritual force in this regard, which is a win-win for everyone starving for this parasitism. The name of this force is the Amur (Cupid). He is a  switchman who passes the game to Af, to Ur, to other small-time rabble. All in all, nice boy. Everything is going down nicely there. And all of them make themselves nice and agreeable in these affairs. But somehow everything related to it become filthy and destroyed.

However, Athena, even though has Af (“Ath”) [1] part in her name, is poorly related to Af. It is only echo of inherent origin which shared some similarities with Af long ago. But later they had gone their separate way. Upon the whole, Athena is rather positive force, the force which made a lot of good deeds. But it is quite a different story.

Athan (Afan, Russian - Афан)

The literal meaning of word “Athan” (Afan) [ʌfʌn] [1] is an “Af’s sky”. Part “An” [ʌn] corresponds to “Sky” in this word, the meaning includes a spiritual sky (heavens)  as spiritual world (spiritual realm). Actually, such meaning is the most frequent for a word “An” [ʌn]. Athan as a spiritual realm of Af is widely presented in our world. There is a great number of ells acting as Af’s spirit sources, including mountain ells, where Af-typed energy is focused to more or less significant forces. All such forces and such places altogether form their own distinct spiritual world. This world is heterogeneous and is divided into separate sub-worlds or spiritual domains (spheres) represented by different Af’s forces. The most ancient Af’s forces are usually staying apart. Forces of both Sirius stars differ significantly from each other, and it is a rare occasion for them to cooperate (Sirius is a stellar system of a very controversial nature). But in general it is a single world, and in relation to people it prefers to act as single entity rather than display its internal disharmony and stand for a person against any of its own forces.

Egyptian Pyramids play major role in interaction between Afan and a person. To explain how the reasons behind that, it is necessary to touch on a state of the Sirius stellar system.

In the night sky we see only one star in this system, Sirius A. The second star, Sirius B, is too small and can be seen only by means of a telescope. The second star is so-called white dwarf, very small but massive remnant of a main-sequence B-type star. Sirius B had exploded about 12000 years ago. Due to the explosion, all planetary system died along with quite highly developed life on these planets. This life had remained only in spirit as various spiritual energy formations. Spiritual world of past life around these stars is the only thing that remains to exist.

The Egyptian Pyramids are closely related to this spiritual world of Sirius as well as the whole religion of Ancient Egypt. Ancient egyptians had such term as Dual [duʌl] [3]. According to them, the Dual is some deep spiritual domain (sphere) which had been very valuable for them and access to this domain was mediated by pyramids. The Dual is a spiritual world of dead life from Sirius system. The word “Dual” meant an “essence of star”, informational realm of the star (in ancient common language that was common for ancient world: “Du” [du] meant “meaning”, ”thought”, “Al” [ʌl]  meant “star”). And here Sirius certainly was understood to be the star in question. And Dual is either an informational realm or (in wider sense) whole spiritual world of past Sirius’s life.

Having got specific abilities to spiritual vision, one can perfectly observe the Dual on the celestial sphere. It is a very large mare which consists of dark-coloured low-intensity substance with several toneless shades. This mare moved fairly away from Sirius by now and is mostly presented in Orion constellation. It is wedge-shaped or, to be more accurate, has a shape of prolate drop, the pointed end of which comes from Sirius, and the main wide part of this drop occupies Orion constellation. Not shadowed part is only the top of Orion with Betelgeuse and few neighbouring stars.

Dual is the major formation and the central and truly innermost part of Af’s world. Ancient egyptians were attracted by Dual because, naturally, they were possessed by Af, and Dual became a magnetic trap they were caught in by Af. Especially that for those Afized people that were in spiritual kinship to its forces there were things to be attracted by. Especially since it happened in the most ancient times before the existing Pyramids were built.

The fact is that existing Pyramids which had been built 4.5 thousand years ago are secondary ones. There were earlier pyramids or rather one pyramid, which had been built around 7000 years ago and demolished a while later. So at that time the Dual had not been yet such blackened wasted formation as it is looking today. It was full of energy not only of the past life field but also planetary energy of orbital planets destroyed by stellar explosion, and to a certain degree stellar energy released with explosion. At that point in time, 7000 years ago being a bit recovered after cataclysm but still full of live Dual had been quite powerful energetic formation with forceful, completely untapped and completely unattached, free spiritual energies. It is no wonder that someone was attracted. Besides, the Dual had been looking for someone to form a connection with because his free energy had been dwindling very fast, and it was desirable for him to have any energy supply at someone’s expense. And he found such supply in the form of life on the Earth, having used inhabitants of Afri lands of that time who were under the Af control.

And those ancient Egyptians certainly felt as though they joining to power never yet seen, not really knowing that this power was dissipating and eliminating rapidly and not knowing that they would become sustenance for this “power” with time, that this “power” would almost bleed them dry.

Active elimination of Dual was not only self-conducted but also happened involving the Space and all our spiritual Universe. Life on Sirius had been formed in according to very specific principles which may be appropriate in some other parts of Universe or in other Universes, but it is foreign and rejected here in this part of Space. These Siriusians asserted themselves rudely and brutally, always without ceremony and feeling free to provoke any confrontation. That is why they had been a big problem here. The fact that their star had exploded prematurely in all appearances and that they had not enough time to escape, was truly will of Divinity. And active eliminating of all the remnants of them may be attributed to the will of God too.

At the completion of the first pyramid and after establishing the deep link with Dual through this, pyramid forces of Dual began to impose their foreign order here rather quickly, steadily extending its sphere of influence. It was a  big trouble, and either specific powers or entire peoples were engaged in the process of overcoming and counteracting to the problem.

All that story is covered in the Bible as legend about the Tower of Babel. Original meaning of the Tower of Babel was exactly that first pyramid which had been built in place of present-day pyramids. It is possible that it was not exactly the same but made in the form of ziggurat with the tower at top. This is not essential because ziggurat is also pyramid-like building. The major thing is that this building served the same purposes amplifying the relations with Athan and primarily with the Dual itself.

As stated in the Bible, such building had been built by people who had come from the East. According to scripture (passage from the Bible), these people had settled in the plain of Shinar. This title is translated as “land of rivers” - or one river at all? - and is considered as name for Mesopotamia by the only reason that this word is interpreted in such manner in later Bible texts about times of Babylonian Exile. But many ancient history researches still have doubts about such interpretation. The Bible also says that those people had built the Migdal Babel here. Migdal means literal “tower”, and Bab-el means literal “door to God”. It can be interpreted in various ways, but for some reason the conventional image is the Tower of Babel. To dismiss any arguable misinterpretation of these words, it is necessary to connect with the spiritual field of the hidden meanings which were primarily implicated in these internal allegoric texts (though one is assumed to have corresponding spiritual abilities). In doing so, it is transpires that the point here is about the same phenomenon as current pyramids but in earlier version. And all these things are clearly transpired in the Genesis with minimal allegory, one needs only to understand it correctly. The fact is that no one (no one but initiated) dawns upon to refer this story to pyramids, because it is a deepest esoteric mystery that is in plain sight but can not be distinguished. If this mystery is transpired here, this is because the time has come and only according to the will of God.

The Tower of Babel had been destroyed by God. Of course, he had done it not by himself, but with the help of peoples encouraged by him to do it. They came from the East too but in the second wave, they were aiming for this goal, and they achieved this goal with support from small portion of people from the first wave. Among those who came in second wave were descendants of Shem who moved then further to the West and settled near present Qattara Depression (where large lake was at the time).

After the tower had been demolished, confusion of tongues has occurred. It was a highly sacramental act, but the essence is simple. All people had formed common cultural and linguistic space (taken as a whole, common spiritual space) until that happened. Due to activity of Dual, this common spiritual space was threatened. This spiritual space was divided into separate ethnic cells, working towards protecting human spiritual space as whole and making it less accessible for outer influences. Each ethnos had its own language and poorly understood others, often being at odds. Such (relative) antagonism facilitated separateness from each other. With this division of human spirit, Dual could be an apparent danger only for cell with which he succeed to establish a sufficiently close relation. Other cells remained to be generally isolated from his influence. And the division was of low significance for local (planetary, interplanetary astrological) spiritual forces because they were deeply related to human and remained common for all people. But it was sufficient to form near impregnable barrier for activity of foreign forces like forces of Dual.

When the second Pyramids, which replaced demolished “the Tower of Babel”, had been built 4,500 years ago, the Dual was still strong enough to influence directly planetary life in energetic way by using it. Nevertheless, it was the ability to steal life energy from planetary fields rather than to twist everything in its manner. Dual was a considerable vampire, becoming so more and more. But pharaohs and priests of that time had viewed it as source of power with occult abilities. That was the reason they were keen to be related to it. And the more they became related to Dual, the less they felt relation to the human kind. Acting along with Dual who had been activated by pyramids, they had delivered great troubles to human civilization.

The story about demolished pyramids (tower) and rebuilding new pyramids in the same place is reflected in the Revelation of St. John the Divine. At the very beginning of 13th chapter he is writing about  the Beast with seven heads - “dragon  gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority”, and he adds a very interesting description of the Beast: “one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed”. This head feeded by forces of dragon is precisely the Pyramids of Egypt. The mortal wound is demolishing of “the tower of Babel”, and healing is new construction of present-day pyramids. Dragon forces of this head are Af’s forces emanating from Dual, and the head itself is the major one and the most active and terrible of all seven heads of the Beast.

After reconstruction of pyramids the forces of Dual faced with the fact that its abilities to influence our planetary life became a thing of the past. To establish considerable drain of energy, they had to go a long way to investigate new structure of human and planetary spiritual fields. But they could not destroy or break this field as they did earlier to drain it more successfully, because the field had been separated into ethnic units. It was possible to do so only with closest to Egypt peoples. Besides, badly experienced in the past, forces of Dual had to wait to break into planetary spiritual spheres and to tear it apart as they pleased until successfully assuring safety for pyramids. For that purpose they had to create a strong and powerful militarized empire around pyramids, with sufficiently revered religion. It took around 1000 of years of adaptation to new realm, including periods of varying success when they were in state of decay accompanied by general prostration of Egyptian business (for instance, in later period of Middle Kingdom). But finally they did it.

Then a period of quite active and specific events had come. Particularly, Jews [4] made an attempt to neutralize pyramids, which became more active, and to change something. That was the reason they appeared in Egypt. This story is covered in details in “World’s deepest secret”, and here I recap that in the end the forces of Dual took hold of jews and made them almost puppets of the pyramids. Besides, the beginning of pyramid’s actions caused unhealthy activity of peoples settled around. It led to destabilization and major wars among them. As a result, so-called “Sea Peoples” resettled into different places (it was another attempt to save themselves somehow). Before resettlement, they  tried many times to conquer Egyptians in order to walk off the confusion coming out from pyramids. But Egyptians were strong enough to be resistant to all surrounding peoples. There was a great number of unusual and significant events in that period, and these events stemmed from the beginning of actions of pyramids, but that is another story. And sea peoples as the most dangerous ones for pyramids (they were actually proto-slavic tribes of Aryan) had settled around the lands of Egypt to gather themselves up, and later… But later the world, after being drained by Dual, squenched, and a new era of our life came. No, it is not life but existence of humanity widowed by “healed head” of dragon.

The world salvation was in the fact that forces of Dual had been dwindling, over hundreds of years he had been less and less active in bringing his own order and had been increasingly turning into sticking to the world parasite. Now he is substantially pure parasite except for using its established past abilities to influence people to be more successful in parasitizing them.

Dual do not acts alone, all (or a big part of) Athan, Af’s spiritual world, which is quite widely represented on our planet, lends a hand for him as best it can.

He also receives support in the face of specific forces of Moon, the most fallen ones, but still powerful and mighty enough. And we turn our attention to this crucially important subject in the next chapter.

Leviathan (Russian - Левиафан)

Jewish milieu had given a birth for name “Leviathan”, known from the Bible. Using fairly metaphoric expressions, the Bible tells story about dreadful beast named Leviathan. It is an exact variant of original name always used in translations, but modern hebrew language insists on the “Livyatan” as a correct version and claims it means just a whale. The situation is clear enough: the tribe of Levi, ruling its own satanic policy in Jewish world, can’t stand the word “Leviathan” because it is made up from two parts, “Levi” and “Athan”. “Levi” means here the tribe of Levi, and “Athan” (Afan) means the name of Af’s spiritual world mentioned above.

What is this absurd junction standing for unheard biblical beast? Everything is easy and natural there, if one knows the principal moments of Jewish history and how the history had been forming spiritually. Overall, this history is explicitly outlined in “The World’s deepest secret” [2] [Russian - Сокровенная тайна мира], and here I would like only to recap it.

The point of issue is about alliance between one of the Moon’s force emanating in the Sinai mount and force of the Af. In the Sinai mount the force of Imp’s archetype (in Russian - Чёрт; chyort) is presented. This Imp’s archetype is basically formed by lunar spirit in the field of acting lunar forces. It is the most correct name for this basic force of imp. Exactly this force introduced itself to Moses as the god Yahweh. Moses had not been the first with whom Yahweh-Imp contacted in the history. The first people who came to know and established cooperation with this force were people from the tribe of Levi. (Moses is also qualified as levite, but whether he truly was - it is not so important in this story). Levites are originally related to and gravitated towards interaction with lunar forces, and that is the reason they naturally succeed in such result.

Emanating from the Egyptian Pyramids as Dual, Athan was the foremost who took care of Exodus. Jews in the Egypt had been inherently against the Pyramids, and they had been hunting for keys to make Egyptians be against the Pyramids in order to destroy this construction in future. There were a great number of Jews in Egypt at that moment, they settled there quite well and were in good relationships (often in blood relationships) with many Egyptians. That is why it was too problematic to murder them rather than send them away. Athan could not make it by himself because to do so it was necessary to interact with Jews that were not in for any pacts with Af’s forces (forces of Pyramids at least) by the time. And Athan had to make an alliance with some of spiritual forces related to Jews. Such alliance had been made with lunar force of Sinai which had an impact on the tribe of Levi. By befuddling Jews, Dragon the Af and Imp the Yahweh had together sent them away from the Egypt. In this story it was a moment after leaving the Egypt when Pharaoh’s army had an opportunity to simply kill Jews. But the real divine power stepped in and saved the situation, and Jews managed to go away from the direct Dragon’s revenge. But they were not able to go away from neither Athan nor his ally Yahweh. And Jews were walked through the desert,  being gradually turned into puppets of these forces. The bulk of their population was to become controlled by Yahweh, the Dragon was to play the role of high-ranking force befuddling chosen “initiates”.

This is how the dominating over Jews beast came into being, named by them as Leviathan. It is a very natural at all because everything related to this beast acted through the tribe of Levi. If Yahweh became nervous when his name was taken in vain, Levits  were not. They were executors of his and Athan’s will guided by Yahweh. That is the reason why the beast was named as Leviathan rather than more logical Yahweathan.

Forty years journey through the desert had been only the first step of transformation of originally God’s favoured people into puppets controlled by devilish forces. With varying success, the transformation had been continuing for hundreds of years after their returning to Canaan. The Bible eloquently tell us about these struggles. At that time jews have fairly managed to counterweight virtuous origin naturally appearing in them and devilish powers hanging over them. Having been under devil’s pressure, they had managed to stay themselves and not to be under devil’s control. At least, in the major part of jewish people such ability had been accumulated. But then the Babylonian Exile had occurred that drove them out from their habitat, broke down their established lifestyle. And Leviathan had carried his work to victorious completion: the major part of jews capitulated to devil, their souls had been taken captive by devil. Returning after Babylonian Exile into home grounds had brought the reinforcement of his victory through knocking all past “nonsense” out of their heads, all previously established habits of covert fight with him, and he came into possession of very active and talented people that were ready to follow any of his will and to be his leviathanic puppets.

And then jews had been dispersed. If Dual had difficulties in process of steamrolling other peoples and spiritually ruining them because of “division into languages and dispersion of peoples”, it began to do it sufficiently well with the advent of puppets-judaists to these peoples. And Leviathan became the prince of the world or the major part of the world at least. In every place where judaists [4] came, the leviathan’s kingdom had appeared and peoples were ruined in favour of eating their powers Dual.

We can observe it up to now. Had a judaism come to place, peoples of that place begin to lose their lapsed well-being mystically and in unrecognizable way, social relations became alien ones, everything goes out of control in unclear way. Judaic jews [4] actually do not understand a lot of things happening around them. They just act in menial zeal in the face of Yahweh, and it happens. Because Yahweh can shatter everything, and they can get something from another for free, to their great delight.

The vivid example is russian lands from 90-th years of 20th century. Being destroyed with care of Leviathan, monarchical Rus, previously blessed by God, arrived at tremendous sacrifices. Nevertheless, Rus transformed into part of Soviets, somehow managed to equilibrate and recover from these sacrifices. Established atheistic ideology had no place even for judaism, and the result was obvious. Although there were a lot of jews in Soviets and although they were subject to stereotypes of their judaistic environment in relations with other people, the country had been developing successfully. And not a few jews found themselves to be honorable and talented people. But with the advent of liberal democracy which declares freedom of everything including judaism, everything went wrong and upside down to be globally destroyed.

Therefore you may ask - what about the West? They are prospering, aren’t they? They are prospering only for the reason that Leviathan had already pinned them down, and because this prosperity is used as tool to impose his will on other parts of the world. As soon as whole world  capitulates to Leviathan, all their prosperity would vanish rapidly and new times would come. Very bad times. This prosperity is not their merit and not a goal in itself for those who arranged it. It is a tool meant to conquer the world, and nothing else.

However, judaists are not the only intermediates of Dual forces who infiltrated into spiritual bodies of other peoples. Another ones are masons. Masonry began to emerge in the end of 15th century in the Great Britain (“World’s deepest secret” [2] fully explores this topic) with minimal or even without participation of jews. It started out as secret esoteric organization, in spiritual origins of which powers of Egyptian pyramids were involved. This organization became very successful and spread quickly among other countries. Later jews started actively filling ranks of masons, giving rise to their own specific Judeo-Masonry which quickly ascended to elite positions of mason world, becoming a major part in Dual’s anti-human agenda. As a result, masonry became not only a parallel fellow group to Leviathan other puppets - judaists, but a kind of those same Leviathan forces.

This is how forces of Dual are now spreading among the whole world, overcoming barriers created by God such as division into languages and peoples. To do this, it uses two kinds of intermediates of his forces, judaists and masons. Everything becomes ruined in every place they come to. In some parts of the world where they properly settled as the leaders of peoples, something even starts to prosper, but only due to the reason that somewhere else everything is being ruined in favour of the first ones. It may prosper only for purposes of using such surfaced prosperity as tool for spreading their influence ahead. Even if it occurs, such prosperity stays within purely economic domain in the shape of huge amount of aggregated material goods. Spiritual domain is being ruined as everywhere else. Because devil is a devil.

By the way, there is a good test allowing to make sure that we have a deal with devil himself rather than some secondary demonic force. Every person who has at least some grown energetic sense to spiritual forces, may assure this fact. It is widely acknowledged that many (numerical) numbers are imbuied with energy and able to emanate it  if specific operations were conducted with them. In this respect an extremely vivid example is three sixes. A lot of people aknowledged that devilment clearly happens at every place where such number is depicted. Surely, it is initially symbolized a devil, it is originally number of devil. Namely, they play a role not only symbolic, but act conducting his power and his devilish energy. Having some energetic sensitivity, one can assure himself about it - it causes a very specific and sufficiently concrete energy which is easy to identify. And exactly the same energy is emanating from Egyptian pyramids. Of course, the pyramids have a wider energetic spectrum, but it is one of the basic ones, emanating through three sixes, through his devilish number.

That is the reason why pyramids must be demolished. We may spent a plenty time in battles with judaists, masons, someone else, but it would be a battle with his reflections rather than devil himself. Devil settled himself in the pyramids, not in these people. Considering the issue wider, he is placed in Dual over a distance of 9 light years from us, emanating here through Egyptian pyramids that are his lair on our planet. It is quite easy to provide safety from his activity, it suffices to destroy this lair.

There is a folk tale in Russian folklore that has a deep esoteric meaning. In that tale some warrior hero (bogatyr) unsuccessfully fights with Koschei the Deathless, an evil spirit who sows disasters in the world. He cannot beat him for the only reason that his soul is placed not in Koschei himself but somewhere in unknown faraway being hidden in unknown thing. And then only when bogatyr traveled to this unforeknowable horizon and found this unforeknowable thing, Koschei fell sick. And when he destroyed this thing, Koschei died. Died without any battle. Such unknowable thing storing soul of our Koschei is actually Egyptian pyramids. There is no any point in fighting him, it is sufficient to destroy this already found knowable thing. And he will die by himself.

But at the present time Koschei is only sick yet. Particularly by the reason that forces of Moon and Af are poorly compatible, their alliance in form of Leviathan is temporary mutually regardable. Furthermore, the alliance on the part of the Moon forces emerged through Yahweh the Imp who is not the most important force among lunar forces and who has not got opportunities great enough. The success of Leviathan consists in the fact that other lunar forces had provided express or implied support for this alliance for Yahweh’s sake but not for Af’s sake. And at present day when the situation has changed in the lunar world, forces of the Moon has no use caring about the past - it is no use crying over spilt milk, the past can not be undone, and it is necessary to start looking in the future and not to live in the past. And only a few lunar forces are still playing this former Yahwehist games, Yahweh himself is complete nonentity without support from other forces. Author of this words clearly made sure of this on practice when he managed to force out one of the most crucial lunar forces, Wa (or Va, it is present in the “vampire” word), from the Russian spiritual domain (this episode is described in “World’s deepest secret” [2]). When it happened, the restructuring of relations between Leviathan spirit and Wa occurred immediately. Wa, who had been a former ally of Yahweh before, began his own game.And he had to alterate and adapt to new conditions which are more negative for him. And many of his affairs are going not so good as before. His current state is inner confusion and decadent aggression.

In September of 2009, Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, spontaneously paid a secret visit to Russia beyond all diplomatic procedures. This visit had been covered by press in hindsight. In a conversation he said in high words: “We’ll bring the whole World down with us if we have to”. It was not his individual hysteric, but Leviathan’s fit of hysterics surfacing from this Leviathan’s puppet. Reader is invited to read, for instance, this link:

Even if we assume that Netanyahu’s words were passed not exactly, the main point is preserved as it had been drawn. The main point is that Leviathan substance feels hard done by disease, it lost opportunities and ways to make backstairs influence on world. It rages, have a propensity for spontaneous hysteroid aggression rather than lapsed hard work tramping world down. This is a state in which Leviathan finds himself today. It is not yet agony but furious decision to go to the end and to be self-destructed with the whole our world if it fails to tramp world down.

Actually, it could not have been otherwise because the Dual who stands for Leviathan has nothing to lose with destruction of this world. The fact that Leviathan, as a reflection of Dual on the Earth in alliance with local fallen forces, would be destroyed as well by the world’s end is beyond Dual’s concern.

The conclusion to be drawn from the above discussion is simple. We must destroy the Egyptian Pyramids to assure planetary civilization’s safety against Leviathan and his puppets proning to absurdities. There is no much point in fight against puppets, it will be just bogging down into plenty hassles and conflicts rather than combat. What we should combat is the original source. To kill the Leviathan, we must destroy his powerhouse and soul house, the Egyptian Pyramids.

[1] Af [ʌf], Ath as compound word: Athan, Leviathan, Athos, Athena, but not always (Afghanistan, Africa). Differences in f/th endings are accounted for rules of English language. As a matter of fact, either Af or Ath are two variants of one word.

[2] “World’s deepest secret” is a loosely translated original title, (Russian) “Сокровенная тайна мира”, (transliteration) “Sokrovennaya tayna mira”.

[3] Although it is generally agreed to pronounce the word “dual” as [ ˈdjuː.əl ], we provide Russian pronunciation [duʌl].

[4] There are Jews as ethnic group, and Judaists, which are (usually but not always) jews with specific religious identity and ideology. These two terms are not interchangeable as they define distinctly different communities.

[5] The link published in original article, http://www.rosbalt.ru/2009/09/18/673053.html , is unfortunately removed. We also could not find any news articles on the theme in global agencies like CNN, etc.. These are the bare bones of global policy. Alternative link in Russian: http://news.rin.ru/news/214945/

Перевод выполнен Павлом Харюком и Дмитрием Назаренко, за что автор им весьма признателен.


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