

среда, 19 октября 2016 г.

How to turn Sahara into blooming garden

Original material, written by Oleg Fyodorov, is available at


How to turn Sahara into blooming garden

It is quite simple. To turn Sahara into green, it is necessary to demolish Egyptian pyramids. And nothing else.

Sahara had always been a green area. It started to turn into desert about 4000 years ago, as soon as pyramids had been built. And pyramids are the only reason it happened.

The fact is that the pyramids have a very strong energy of not-so-well type and generate strong energetic field around itself. This field is fairly wide and soars high, preventing cloud formation over that whole area.

For example, same phenomenon is well-known for electric field of charges. Even a patent was issued about 20 years ago on method of clouds dissipation by putting electric volume charge in upper atmosphere. So the phenomenon exists and manifests itself not only in relation to electrically charged air volumes in atmosphere (if these volumes charged inhomogeneously), but also in relation to its inhomogeneous saturation by energetics of planetary biopotential. And pyramids focus entire biopotential of those lands, emit it in Space, being accompanied by cloud dissipation effect in a wide area around pyramids. Moreover, such emission is additional reason of life decline in that area.

Same phenomenon showed itself in Mesoamerican pyramids at one time. As soon as they had been built, severe drought conditions occurred on whole territory of Central America. The drought was continuing as many as 200 years until sufficient decline of Maya civilization (who had built these pyramids) was attained. As it happened, activity of pyramids fell away to a certain level that might not prevent cloud formation and rainfall. If, however, activity of Mesoamerican pyramids was stimulated artificially by activities of Maya people and human sacrifices, which were stopped with their vanishing, Egyptian pyramids were built quite differently, with deeper knowledge of black magic. Egyptian pyramids are still actively functioning, induced by cosmic forces rather than human activity. Drought caused by these pyramids is continuing for almost 4000 years.

Dissipation of clouds around pyramids, resulting in formation of droughty area, is asymmetric, stretches mostly in western direction, and that is what led to desertification of Sahara. Such asymmetry is only natural because wind blows from the east, moving dry area formed around pyramids westbound. This asymmetry of desertisation is additional evidence of the fact that this desertisation is originating from area where pyramids are located and is connected with them.

Moreover, if Egyptian pyramids are demolished, it surely would facilitate not only the greening of Sahara, it would also beneficially affect area to the east of the pyramids, including territory of Arab Peninsula, all Arab lands. All arab lands would change their decorations from thick of dessert fervour to green blooming gardens. Would somebody feel bad because of this? Sure. Well, let them envy all they like.

I have to say these words because there will be a lot of pro-pyramide persons, speaking loudly about vandalism, the need to preserve cultural heritage of the past and anything else there is. But these voices will originate not from arabic milieu, it would be galvanized into action by global jewry. And the major reason for this uproar would be the fact that pyramids are highly powerful tools of black magic. Success of hebraism, kabbalah, whole west masonry based on usage of this magic. For the sake of saving pyramids they would make no scruple to turn Egypt into second Iraq.

That is why the best alternative is to simply detonate the pyramids. The detonation could not be classified as act of terror because it would be executed not against people or functioning social constructions but heap of stones which is only the evidence of faraway past. Detonation of pyramids would impact destructive anti-divine part of West world more than all acts of terror. Arabs are fighting the evil, originating from West, by any means possible, up to acts of terror arising from despair. They do not know that evil driving the West is located on their own territory. The evil is contained in pyramids.

Of course, disassembling of pyramids for investigation purposes would be a more attractive variant. Using modern aerostats it is possible to do so by disassembling heavy stone blocks row by row. But will the government of Egypt go along with such notion? Will they rise to national self-consciousness or will the behind-the-scene influence of West politics be stronger? Will they be able to understand that immediate benefits of pyramid-related tourism stands no comparison with benefits for their own sake and whole arabic world in relation to climate changes of that area and turning it into gardens? And even if Egyptian government will want to go there, wouldn’t the West find excuse to start a war against Egypt, taking this whole region under strict control? If the West won’t start an instantaneous war, would it declare that disassembly of pyramids for investigation purposes is a problem of the whole world community, and after that will act as brake on it unless appropriate motive to start a war will be finally found? That is why, alas, we should admit that in this situation it is preferred to detonate pyramids to solve the problem quickly.

And those who would be able to organize and accomplish this, will be forever in good memories of humankind. When rains start to fall in arab lands as heavily as rains in blooming India, arabs themselves will rhyme about these heroes and will set up a gold monument to them.


P.S. From pyramids spiritual forces of Af are emanating. Af is a dragon origin of Sirius stellar system (I write more about this in my article “Devil’s lair”). Forces of Af impact person in such a way that pancreas and thyroid body of many people become diseased. It can not be claimed that all such diseases are directly related to Af, but the major part of it is primarily connected with Af forces (Egyptian pyramids in particular). Having pyramids demolished, we will come to drastical changes of this disease’s pattern in the whole world. Many ailing people will surprisingly recover and these diseases will become rare.  And many other pleasant surprises for people will emerge if activity of pyramids is neutralized. To do so, the pyramids are to be demolished.
Автор благодарен Дмитрию Назаренко и Павлу Харюку, взявших на себя труд по переводу данной статьи.

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