

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Psychotronic war

Original material, written by Oleg Fyodorov, is available at LiveInternet:

About psychotronics

Psychotronic war is a war by means of affecting human mind from distance. There are various types of equipment used, including naturally occurring ones. The only difference here is that they are deliberately used for such purposes.

Today all such instrumentation along with application techniques are united under term “psychotronics”. Fundamental purpose of psychotronics is art of psychotronic war.

Means of psychotronic manipulation can be ones for affecting directly psycho-emotional state, and means for affecting purely physiological, bodily functions, for purposes of inducing certain mental states. Means for affecting cognitive capacity or general mind functioning also fall into this category. Main difference from other means for affecting mind is that these ones act from distance, in a roundabout way, i.e. these are means of field, acoustic or light spectrum influence. Another distinction is that they are, as a rule, aimed at subtle, subliminal, extramental influence (for example, use of flash bang grenade, acoustic horn or spotlights in a psychological attack is a different kind of instrumentation).

What are these means? Various, anything that can be adapted for such purposes. For example, one of the more popular internet papers suggests that if on earlier stages only radiation generators were included in term “psychotronic weapons”, now such means are more sophisticated and include common things like television, computers and even person capable of occult manipulations:
www.ufolog.ru/publication/3141 (link in Russian) [1].

 As example for such use of television - authors mention incident with japanese kids in 2005, when around 100 of them were hospitalized with mental disorders after watching “Pocket Monsters” (Pokemon) cartoon. In this cartoon special arrangement of color schemes was used, which led to pronounced negative impact on mental state.

 For computers there are computer games as one of the possibilities. Addiction to computer games alone makes unhealthy shifts in minds of gamers. And in case of additional use of special psychological means, games can lead to serious mental twists of all involved in playing.

 Additional case are so called binaural beats (i-doser), fairly popular amongst internet community at certain period (at least in Russian segment of the internet, - translator's note).

 Besides, personally I anticipate more pronounced danger from computers rather than addiction to unhealthy entertainment products. The danger is in using computer as certain type of radiation generators, i.e. using it directly as psychotronic generator. Such electromagnetic or acoustic (beyond audible range) radiators could be quite possibly installed in computers in clandestine fashion and without attracting attention as potential, sleeping radiation generators. And later they could be selectively activated by special commands from computer networks in such fashion that they could affect targeted individuals or targeted groups at particular time and in a particular way. To trace down such use of radiation generators could be much more difficult, and their impact could be much more significant than radiators affecting undetermined, broad audience.

 That is why I would recommend not to get rid of outdated models - from some point in time they may turn out to be considerably safer than the new ones.

 Similar logic applies, by the way, to cellphones.

Methods of psycho-activities through biofield

 One of the most important types of psychotronic weapons is the use of biofield manipulation means.

 As far as it can be judged, this type of manipulation is held in high regard by those in power.

Precisely because of that, term “biofield” is taboo in academic circles, for official science it is nonexistent. This concept was driven out to would-be science and pseudoscience, where it is extensively discussed, whereas academic science is remaining silent. Yet studies on biofield manipulation means are conducted in classified institutions and conducted extensively too (as for results, this is quite another story).

 Let us consider practices of biofield manipulation means, not by indulging in scientese discussions of biofield, but through experience of plenty people of people, crying with all one’s might that biofield as phenomenon nonetheless exists.

 To better understand the topic of discussion we need to realize one simple matter – people knew about biofield since ancient times, with the only difference in terminology. In those times, instead of biofield, people used words like spirit and other similar names for this field-type matter. And let us be clear on this – we are not talking about spirituality in abstract sense like cultural attitudes. We consider spirit as total sum of real phenomena, manifesting itself in mind and conscience of people through interaction of mind and conscience with external reality, possessing its own separate spirit and influencing spirit of a person, resulting in changes in his mind and conscience.

 Thus, to real phenomenon. If you like you can test it empirically but I must warn you: for some people it may be fairly safe, to some it can be costly, the result is dependent on one’s luck. In this test you are invited to check how biofield of garlic impacts human. Take a couple of garlic bulbs and put them under pillow – and sleep like that, in close presence of garlic. It is uncertain how long will it take, for some one night will suffice, for others it can take a year to become completely drained by that garlic’s spirit. And that’s where one will start to get elementary things. Put another couple of bulbs in pocket to be in contact with garlic as long and continuously as possible. And let it act. And after some period of time one can surprisingly find out that garlic has, indeed, an effect. And it affects just by being in proximity (and if one suspects phytoncids or other volatile compounds of garlic as acting party, one can easily seal it in plastic or other airtight container, nothing will change). To make sure that responsible for the effects is garlic, one can simply take it away as far as possible and observe that effects are vanishing.

 As for the effects, they are bad. It gnaws on one’s mind, shifting it to area of negative states, irritancy, angriness, clownery, etc. It dissipates fabric of positive events in person’s life, and many things in one’s life crumble (seemingly on its own) or turn out to happen not like they were supposed to. Instead it creates fabric of negative events, and one can only be surprised by sudden series of misfortunes. And on top of everything else it deteriorates one’s mind, pulling it down to more primitive levels.

For some it will take only 24 hours to start to be convinced of garlic biofield existence, others, I will say it again, could even need a year to start to get into this. Besides, garlic affects not everyone. It affects only good, by their nature, individuals (or originally good, at least), which have something inside of them to be ruined. But there are such wicked ones… in their presence even a garlic will dry up, being negatively affected by them. Fortunately, such people are rather rare cases – garlic has very oppressive spirit and overwhelming majority of population is affected negatively by it. And there are individuals, so sensitive in such matters, that they already feel garlic as negative and don’t keep it at home.

Nevertheless, regardless of individual sensitive abilities, majority of population is affected by garlic and affected in negative way. Irrespectively of their awareness of the fact. It only requires for garlic with its negative biofield (spiritual) charge to get into person’s biofield (spiritual) range or even biofield (spiritual) range of person’s home to start negatively affect mind and psyche of a person. The more positive is person’s mind and the more higher level of mind, the more heavy garlic oppresses, pulling a person down to its own level of negative (biofield) spirit.

In such aspect of its effects garlic can quite fairly be considered as kind of psychotronic weapon. And it takes only to convince people that garlic is very healthful as people massively start to constantly consume it and constantly keep it at home, massively worsening quality of their mind and psyche.

And we are really being assured in every instance in such benefits of garlic. You probably already know how garlic is beneficial to health, in fact by now you should be dined into ears about it in constant care for you, aren’t you? No, may be garlic is beneficial, even surely beneficial, but harm of its energetics (biofield charge, – translator’s note) is greater than its benefits as food product. And so if it has to be consumed, then it should be done only occasionally and without keeping it at home. But we are being told that it has to be consumed regularly. And keeping in mind that in esoteric and alike type of literature garlic is in many cases praised as useful esoteric agent (it, allegedly, drives away evil spirits and gives you courage – that and other similar nonsense) in spite of the fact that it is well-known to majority of esoterics for its evil heavy spirit, and even contrary to this knowledge. It can be insisted on, that such eulogies are entirely not accidental, and are pushed on us knowingly, and exactly for us to be deceived and to harm ourselves.

And that is quite a typical form of making psychotronic war. Even classical one. Firstly, we are being convinced of some product’s benefits, which product has negative charge and can negatively affect our mind, and then we buy it or take closer in our surroundings, and it starts to affect us as mean of psychotronic exposure through its charge (biofield). It affects us solely because it was placed in our or our home’s energetical range and deforms this range through its negative energetics.

And then we are being told that biofield is pseudoscientific concept, used by ignorames or charlatans for their purposes. Even special scientific commissions to fight pseudoscience were created. At the same time as conditions for flourishing of charlatanism were arranged for discrediting concept of biofield from other side.

Other means of psychotronic manipulation

 Garlic is only one particular example. There are plenty of plants used as food which have negative enough biofield for affecting mind and psyche of a person just because it happened to be in biofield space of his/her home. And some of these plants are quite actively advertised, allegedly being very beneficial, though it is quite questionable that they really are. And that is done for a reason.

In book “World’s deepest secret” (Russian – Сокровенная тайна мира) I dedicated whole section “Keys to heaven” to the topic of food energetics. I give there a food distribution table with food products arranged in order of increasing energetical negative effects. Book helps to get sufficient understanding of this matter, so I will not try to cover it here. Those who are unfamiliar with the book can locate it by the following link:
or just google it by title.

 Also, there are many plants used as houseplants, which affect men in accordingly negative way. And they are also actively advertised. All such plants with allegedly vernacular names - “tree of happiness”, “tree of success”, “money tree” (Russian – дерево счастья, дерево успеха, денежное дерево; readers could be familiar with Dracaena plant, advertised as “lucky bamboo”, - translator’s note), etc. fall into this category [2]. What vernacular names are we talking about? Fabrications made by specialists of psychotronic wars.

One of the most illustrative plants in that regard is cactus. Quite a dreadful plant, that cactus. Exceptionally negative. And exceptional extent of activity is observed in the plane of attracting attention to it. Praised in every way, “this thorny wonder – cactus”.

Why bother with artificial radiation generators? Here it is, naturally occurring generator for exhausting live forces and lowering mind levels of people. One needs only to carol it brightly and attract enough attention. People will voluntarily try to be close to this generator, placing it in their homes. Without ever realizing what they are actually doing.

It is basically like that with many other similar generators. Not only living plants have energetics, but it is quite well conserved in dried plants and their parts. For example, energetics of trees is almost always passed to wood made of them. And there are types of wood which are not to be used in houses. Prominent example in that regard is wood of quaking aspen (Populus Tremula). It is one of the most terrible as far as wood energetics are concerned, so it is better not to deal with it at all. Not far behind is poplar. Wood of maple, alder, beech… well, many of them are not so good.

It is easier to point out those few types of wood with more or less acceptable energetics. First of all, pine. It is quite neutral wood, usually without any type of negative. Rarely occurring negative is mostly due to energetics of tree’s habitat, and that negative gradually concedes to energetics of house in which it was put. Other types of coniferous trees are also not bad, with some slight peculiarities in their energetics (not really affecting major part of population) and which gradually concede. Oak and birch are also not that bad. But not every kind of oak: red oak has pronouncedly worse energetics than classical round-leaved one. Also linden is quite good. Some fruit trees are also good: apricot, peach, apple and cherry. But as for fruit trees, their wood is not worse than energetics of correspondent fruits (full account is given in book). I don’t have full information about other non-fruit trees, because I didn’t conduct thorough investigation of the subject.

Possession of spiritual energy is not characteristic to plants only. It is a quality of many things around us, and in some it is more pronounced. Minerals, for example, fall into that category. All those types of precious and semi-precious stones are valuable not because of their beauties, but precisely because they bear distinct energetical charge. From ancient times they were recognized and valued in that regard. But for many people majority of these stones are just unsuitable. That is especially true for semi-precious stones. Semiprecious stones are good for people with not-so-high personal level of energetics, simplified people, maybe even a bit primitive ones – only they can achieve some benefit from such stones. As for other people, this stones will just try to pull them down to that very primitivism, i.e. their own level of energetics. And some semi-precious stones are simply negative.

That is the exact reason why so many questionable semi-precious stones today are actively advertised. And not only minerals, other bijouterie like corals, pearls, mother-of-pearl. They may not have evil negative (although mother-of-pearl sometimes has), but their energetics is cunning, affecting mind badly, lowering its level.

Artificial means of biofield manipulation

Such types of naturally functioning biofield generators men quite successfully create themselves. Any symbolic image created by person bears charge of person’s biofield energetics. Except that energetics encased in symbol can be not only person’s own but belong to other biofield objects which influenced this person. That is also true for biofield (spiritual) forces which had access to person and were active in him during the moment of creating symbol.

And later this symbol can project imbued energetical charge on other energetical fields in proximity and, having pronounced power to influence those fields, add something, alter them in some ways or even restructure them to fit itself. Hence, functioning as kind of psychotronic generator.

It is evident, for example, in case of pictures drawn by artists. Their pictures are involuntary filled with authors’ energetics and energetics of forces, by which authors were possessed, and things, places and men depicted. And later the most active and potent part of this energetics spectrum excels, becomes dominant and determine overall charge of picture, all its spirit. Dominating part is usually evil one by simple reason that spoon of tar spoils barrel of honey.

And there are plenty of energetically evil pictures which, being put at home, work as reliable psychotronic generators, destroying and depraving person’s health, mind and psyche through its emanations.

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is prominent example of such kind (also known as la Gioconda). Dominant energetics in this picture are energetics of Gioconda – heavy, dreadful, murderous. Where did this witch-type person got such energetics is another question, but the fact remains to be – this energetics are very destructive, and some people were even driven to madness and death by it. These cases are quite well-known to anyone who had any interest in history of this picture, but our information distribution sources try not to bring it up unnecessarily, just keep praising the picture at every possible instance. Oh, it is so enigmatic, and has some very special hidden symbolics and so on, and the rest of it… Trivial PR-marmalade, which prompts many ignorant to put up Gioconda depictions in their houses, buy things with reprints (and there are just so many items with such reprints – from pendants to dish sets, not mentioning even bulk of magazine and book products). And all this advertising of Gioconda along with massive copying is created quite deliberately, so that yet another source of negative would envenom life and lower mind of great many people. And that is just another typical example from ongoing psychotronic war.

Many pictures have dominating negative spiritual charge caused by author. It happens in case he or she was not particularly mentally healthy (or more precisely, dominating are energetics of forces, who drove author to mental disorders). Shining examples are Van Gogh, Picasso. Especially Van Gogh. Energetics of his pictures are dreadful. And the pictures themselves are raving, quite a kitsch in fact. But that kitsch has something of peculiarity (or it could be found, if anything, when one desires to find it), and it was a great opportunity to exaggerate it to the point of something … well, genius… that can only be seen by refined and feeling eyes… and other bosh. And all this is done only because these pictures have sufficiently negative energetics. That is the sole reason hidden behind. The sole secret of their “brilliance”.

 It is similar for many other artists “of genius” – as soon as individual has mental disorders, than no matter what kind of ridiculous kitsch he produces, he will be picked and made into genius. They gathered all folly, all garbage from art world and made it into “heights of genius creations”.

All because of war. War against human mind, war against humanity as a kind. This war, among other things, is made by means of such peculiar psychotronics. According to definitions and concepts of psychotronic war these are classical means of psychotronic warfare. Mentally ill people create generators whether of radiation or of projecting their ill mental states and abnormalities – these generators are advertised and copied. Lots of people buy it and get constantly active generators, negatively affecting their minds.

Later, to justify all this nonsense, we are being told that genius is one of the many forms of insanity, that there is no great genius without some touch of madness, and so on and something like that. Was Leonardo da Vinci, whose many other pictures (frescos) have quite positive energetics, insane? Was Mendeleev mad? Or Faraday? Or … many and many hundreds, thousands of truly genius people who had clear mind and developed intellect without a hint of madness... That is all because of war. Such is this kind of war.

Salvador Dali caught this trend and was deliberately pretending to be a madman, in order to make press talk of him. And well, it worked. Now we know him for a genius.

Books as psychotronic generators

Energetical charges from authors are not to a lesser degree imbued in books as well. Books always project either author’s personal energetics or energetics of forces active in author and participating in book creation. Main distinction with pictures is that the trick with mental disorders wouldn’t work here, as for book to be readable it has to be more or less coherent.

The most dangerous books are those (it applies to pictures and other informational sources too) in which energetical charge is projected by independently existing in nature spiritual forces. In that case book (or other informational source) acts not so much with its own charge as it becomes conductor for manifestation of respective forces, and those forces act instead.

And a great number of negative forces purposefully stimulate individuals to become writers so that these forces can link to readers and subdue their mind and psyche and parasite on them. From psychotronic point of view all these books are typical psychotronic generators, generating or conducting certain energetics.

Such energetically negative books, through which various negative and dubious spiritual forces manifest themselves, comprise overwhelming portion of all printed materials. Furthermore, those books act not only when being read, but not in lesser degree when they are stored on bookshelves. It is enough for such a book to just appear in house as it starts to cause negative effects on local spiritual space. Just as a typical psychotronic generator would. Pictures and other similar materials act exactly the same, irrespectively of being or not being looked at.

And we can clearly see results of all this bulk of generators by example of intelligentsia [3]. Folks gave them title “rotten intelligentsia” not without reason. They seem to be well-read, understanding, but in reality possess no intellect. Even their psychological state altogether poorly corresponds to that of “men of knowledge”. Mean-spirited folk for the most part. Rotten. And their knowledge turns out to be superficial. No matter how many clever books they have read. And they prove to be extraordinary easily manipulated, these “men of knowledge”.

Heap them up with bright phrases about democracy, freedom, omniparity and even brotherhood and so on and so on – and they get caught on it like little children. To really comprehend the essence and the meanings is beyond them. Only after we all do it the hard way, by experiencing what was really behind all those lies, they put smart faces on as if they knew everything from the start. And then another deception comes for them to be caught on it again.

All that is the result of their mind and psyche being constantly affected by psychotronic weapons. And those very weapons are located in each of their homes in the form of a good few pieces of allegedly innocent and even well-written books.

That is not said that books are not to be read. One can and even need to read them. Just not to store them at home. Major part of books could not be stored like that without negative consequences for mind and psyche. Books are library creatures, and they should be stored in libraries, apart from living residences.

In prospect, book problem, i.e. problem with their energetics, could be solved by conversion to digital formats. Use of digitization allows to force down energetics, separate informational part from correspondent spiritual energy counterpart. It is not, probably, easy to achieve this during reading of books (or other piece of information), but quite eligible for purposes of storing all this informational sources.

Practice of interaction with energetics of digital information pieces shows that all depends on density of data compression in the first place and, in some measure, on encryption. Density of CD does not allow to evade energetical constituents of texts, but DVD data format already allows for dampening of negative energetics, and in case of weak or passive negative can cut it off completely. If, additionally, texts are encrypted (compressed), then it is even harder for negative to manifest itself. Apparently, further increasing of data compression density will allow to solve the problem completely.

Dynamic psychotronics

Generally speaking, some global biofield (or, interchangeably, spiritual field) exists, which include all manifestations of life. Certain part of this field represents psychic field of humans and connected to their psychic activities. Plenty of potencies exist in that spiritual field, many of which either facilitate or hinder normal life of men, resulting in negative consequences for affected. These forces are either directly of psychic nature and act in psychic field of men or they are forces of wider nature, having also psychic parts, capable of affecting psyche and mind of men. Major portion of forces connected with humans are also connected with their psyche.

The fact is that there are some spiritual forces which affect men, and part of them affect men negatively. These negatively affecting forces are not inherent to humans or even somehow related to them, but are able to manifest themselves in spiritual fields of people (both in one’s personal spiritual field and spiritual field formed in one’s habitats) and to be connected with them. It requires only for some items to be present in those fields, charged with respective spirit. Those items become pipelines and sources through which spiritual forces act. Such items are a kind of psychotronic generators and channel generations of spiritual forces, influencing psyche of humans.

These forces can act not only through objects as sources of their generations, but can also be triggered directly by men themselves. In particular, they can be summoned unintentionally, called by some activities and accompanying those activities. A man does one thing, certain types of forces come to him, does the other thing and other forces come. And practical experience shows that there are some types of activities, which trigger exactly the negative forces. Man starts some wrong type of activity, negative forces appear and generate their negative effects on him. That is known from experience, experience of those more or less developed men, who are capable of retracing such matters.

In classics such wrong activities are called sin, sinful activities, and such forces – devilish or demonic forces, which accompany sinful activities. Such forces (if they have other connection channels) even prompt people to sinful activities for more complete and easier consumption.

In non-clerical secular world such concepts are not understood correctly or even buried in oblivion. But negative forces are still there and still accompany wrong activities and affect men, oppressing or even destroying their psyche and dampening work of their mind.

Only now these forces could be summoned and imposed on man imperceptibly by prompting him to do wrong activities. That’s exactly what is being knowingly done by our enemies to set us up under effects of negative forces. Some sinful activity is painted in bright colors by means of culture or mass media to make it attractive, tempting – and our lives are getting destroyed  and our minds dampened.

And that also is one of the means by which psychotronic war is made. Such method, when negative generations are triggered by prompting us to certain kind of activities, can be called dynamic. Whereas altogether this branch of affecting our psyche and mind with negative energetical activities can be called dynamic psychotronics. Aim of dynamic psychotronics is to draw man into such activities which are accompanied by directed against him perturbations in psychic media and activation of negatively affecting him spiritual forces.

One of the most prevailing kinds of destructive activities, in which we are being drawn, is one connected to imposing on us incorrect understanding of love and love relationships sphere. Normally love is given to people for creation of family, bearing and raising children. Quite oppositely, we are being advised in all kinds of depravity and levity. All that is presented to us under the title of so called “free love”. The purpose of those endeavors is one – to mortify our life potential, disrupt its performance by means of hollow pleasures, deprive our children of it, taking away their chances to develop rightly and form full-fledged mind, and to drag down our own mind to more primitive levels. Such activities are destructive not only because of life potential dispersion, but also because of perturbation of ancestral spirit, and because of special licentiousness forces, which parasite on this free pleasures and consume affected in the process.

Another aspect of this problem is sin of masturbation. All this propagation of erotic and porn materials has increase of masturbation as the main goal. Masturbation greatly lowers life force and mind levels. This subject is covered extensively in paper “Erotic – why it is evil” (Russian – “Эротика - почему это зло”), and all interested in more thorough reasoning behind such statements can follow this link:
www.liveinternet.ru/users/olfedorov/post88817645 (in Russian)

And all this propagation of erotic is done quite consciously as a way to activate one of the most effective weaponry in ongoing psychotronic war. If, alternatively, erotic and porn could facilitate growth of man and his mind, then, believe me, entire democratic world would throw a fit in pose of a strict custodian of public morals, and we wouldn’t be able to find a single erotic material. But as of now… they know what they do.

In connection with this topic it is hard not to mention imposition of homosexualism (pederasty, lesbianism). In that case, it is obvious setting up of people under the effects of non-human forces, which deform psyche and lower mind. What are those forces and why are they so cunningly hostile towards anything human is thoroughly covered in “World’s deepest secret”. One can find many other examples of targeted at us dynamic psychotronics applications in the book. In particular, such examples are given in chapter “Typical dragon archetype’s reactions” and at the end of chapter “How to neutralize influence of the Moon”.

Many of these psychotronic activities are focused specifically on young people. Young people do not yet have developed mind and, by means of inconspicuous and mildly negative influence, could be easily placed under pressing of anything and not given chance to develop rightly. Youth musical culture of present day with its aggressive destructive contents, ostentatiously violent, heavy, primitive, arousing in people by far not the best forces of psychic nature - doesn’t it fall into category of dynamic psychotronics? And what about forcing of those ludicrous modes of behavior and lifestyles under disguise of subcultures, isn’t it all the same? There are so many of them, one scarier than another. And deliberate addition of various primitivizing elements in such “subcultures” can be rather evidently seen. Creation of fan movements, where frenzy is encouraged in every way, or lapsing of entire fan crowds into states of mass psychosis, isn’t it all the same? Activities of all these frenzy crowds are clearly anti-social, with scuffles, bashings, fights with police. But instead of radical strict measures for ending such fan hysteria, it is tolerated and even encouraged. Why would that be?

And so on. It is the ongoing psychotronic war against us. And many means of this war are designed for triggering of psychic forces of degradation, which primitivize man and lower his mind. These primitive states of population are required to widen possibilities of manipulation and are one of the key aspects of governing in democratic societies. Democracy itself, as a system, encourages those in power to conduct various policies of degradation and besotting to make control easier and more secure. Amongst arsenal used for this purposes, means of psychotronic manipulation belong to the most potent kind.

Cult psychotronics

Cult psychotronics or psychotronics of cults is a policy of dragging people into various religious, quasi- and pseudo- religious cults. Membership in such cults, as a rule, leads to exactly the same results: not only to mind manipulations but also to housel of unkind forces of one sort or another. These forces get access to psyche and submit it, primitivizing or distorting minds of people. Hence, such cult communities are also a variant of psychotronic manipulation for people involved, and this manipulation leads to distortion of mind or lowering it to some simplified or primitive states.

On the whole, this is not about cults themselves. It’s about those spiritual forces which accompany such cults and appear through them. If these are good-natured spiritual forces, helping people in their growth or, at least, giving them protection from forces of bad nature and not blocking their growth, then – long live such cults! But, alas, practice shows that all (or overwhelming majority, at the very least) cult organizations are aimed at befuddling minds of people, not at all at menticulture. Although, surely, many of them speculate on this concept.

Evidently, totalitarian sects are prime examples of such psychotronic cults. Even creation of them usually happens with assistance from parasite and predacious type of spiritual forces. Many legally existing cults are also psychotronic.

For example, distinct representative is krishnaism. A certain type of Af forces is in play there (a more detailed explanation is given in my article Devil’s lair [4]), and these forces clearly deform mind of people caught in their toils. Although views of the world and relations of man with world preached by them are quite beautiful, attractive in some instances, fragmentarily correct even, altogether they are superficial and belong to “and talked some beautiful nonsense” [5] kind. And there is nothing behind them except for striving of devilish forces to capture people’s mind by shoving them with all kinds of beautiful frauds.

All sorts of evangelistic churches appearing recently in large quantities fall into this category. They all come from USA, and USA largely finances their activities. And all that is forced down on us as effective psychotronic weapon, befuddling and capturing minds of people.

Classical Christianity is based on sacraments, and when they disappear, spirit that turns Christianity into positive religion disappears with them. What remains is meaning content. And that content can be speculated on in all manners, depending on motives of given exegete. The content is too general in those texts, without specifics, parable-mythical and quite encourages such endeavors. Existence of Eucharist in some free-type churches does not change situation significantly, it only strengthens connection of man with Moon forces by sacralization of bread and wine. And those forces are quite questionable themselves.

Christianity altogether is Moon spirit religion, and it is ambiguous by itself, but classical Christianity has some healthy part. This healthy part disappears in those freely interpreted Christian churches, and only appearance of connection with God remains, along with capacities for revelry of forces of rather disputable nature.

Even if it is entirely reasonable to take prohibitive measures in the case of totalitarian sects and many other cults like krishnaism, in relation to evangelistic sects (churches) it is necessary to merely conduct educational campaigns. These sects are not so Christianity as imitations, products of western special services.

Psychotronics and world

And so, by researching possibilities for mediated affection of people’s psyche, we necessarily collide with existence of special type of field matter, which can influence psyche and use of which allows to perform such influences. Study of means for such field influences leads to realization that this field matter was already well known to men in times past and was since the old days called spirit, spiritual substance. And there has long been known means of such influences – these means were considered black magic, bewitchery etc.

And by starting to research psychotronics as science of mediated psychic affections, we inevitably come to understanding and admitting classic world structure’s scheme, where leading role is allocated to spirit and various spiritual phenomena. These phenomena can be manifested relatively evidently as well as not evidently, but nonetheless showing some work of spirit and some capabilities of spirit. And along with that we are bound to admit existence in nature of various spiritual forces, both positive ones as well as not so positive and even entirely non-positive. We would also have to admit existence of lowest, dark (devilish, demonic, diabolic) forces, and existence of highest, light, Divine forces. And along with that we are forced to admit existence of global forces, presence of Divinity, God, deified Nature, which is being developed according to some highest principles of divine evolution. And also we are forced to admit existence of wastes of such evolution, which were rejected by God and Nature as unfit, because they didn’t want to live in harmony with world and were damaging this world. And now in their rejection they are deprived of emanated by God life force, and therefore they are extinguished, darkened – and they are the core issue! Because we go right to these dark forces in our attempts to make deleterious influences of psychotronic nature and attempts to set up people under activities of these forces and… So what, should we continue doing psychotronics or just hang ourselves, put a pistol to our heads in order to get rid of this nympholepsy, which possess us and makes us harm the world? Maybe we should try to save ourselves, our family lines from ultimate rejection by divine forces to domain of already rejected dark ones?

Dinosaurs were already versed in spirit, world of spirit was open to them, and they massively immersed into magic of various harmful influences on each other. Earth has already seen rage of psychotronic wars. And where are those dinosaurs now? Nature got rid of them completely as type of life. Only weak vanishing and half-destroyed by Nature ghosts remain – all kinds of dragons, mostly spiteful, cunning, aggressive, striving in their fatality to snatch any life force to prolong their ghost existence.

And by trying to spiritually harm people we turn right to this kind of dragon and alike entities, take the side of all these rejected dark forces and set up people under their parasitic devouring. And where eventually will we find ourselves as not there, in the common heap of rejected and failing? Will we try machinating and setting up other living beings under these undead forces and stay connected with life force? Such schemers are not rare kind in history and they all are already there, in that very collective heap of vanishing.

Or will we hope that use of technical psychotronics will be that different from all other means of mediated psyche influences, and that it will allow us to avoid this fate? Just how deeply one needs to be deluded by attraction and desire for such influences to soothe oneself with such hopes?

Somewhere among internet sources dedicated to psychotronics I came across confession of some specialist, telling that psychotronic weapons do exist, but application is problematic as such endeavors lead to death of operator or the one giving orders for such use. Well, quite possible situation. At least in that regard I can judge from my own experience: there were multiple attempts to use psychotronic weapons of technological type against me. But they soon ceased such endeavors because of evident counter reaction leading, in particular, to tragic outcomes. This was not my personal reaction, it came from God, and being involved in that situation, I was simply shown the state of affairs. However, my case is special, and such reaction on interferences in my united with God work was also special. But in principle such reaction is possible.

Although it is not necessarily that things should always be so evidently tragic, negative counteraction is always there. Psychic matter is a special type of matter and evil never stays unpunished there – on planetary level it is connected into united system, developed enough during millions of years of evolution and rather capable of purifying itself from deleterious influences. It is just that reaction of this system is not always sufficiently quick and vivid, but delayed and unobvious reaction can in its total sum be even heavier and more terrible than reaction obvious.

And this reaction does not always strike upon perpetrator. Often it is transferred to his children and children pay for his actions. Negative counteraction is performed primarily through family line and concentrates on edge of the family spirit, its latest representatives. There are many of those who do some sort of evil in psychic spheres and flatter themselves that they got away with it. Well, yes, if they have descendants they can escape some punishment as negative counteraction is focused mainly on those descendants. Line is stirred to way of degradation, becomes primitive and miserable, concerned only with its own problems – and for many generations it no longer bothers with such outbursts, until all foolishness is beaten out of line’s spirit. But often line is simply forced to perish.

Somewhere in press I stumbled upon confession of one secret service employee saying that, allegedly, he had done something in psychic influences domain and never felt any counter reaction, “to tell the truth, my son had some illness, but it turned out ok”. Poor fellow is so confident that he got away with it… And the truth that child’s illness was just external display of changes in his fate, that family spirit of this poor expert took a blow and now is bound towards degradation or even disappearing is, of course, beyond him. It is beyond him that main events of this “ok” will reveal themselves in 20-30 years, when his children will mature (already not so as they should have been), and his family line will start to answer for all his deeds in full severity.

Psychic influences, influences through spiritual energetics are not a sphere where anyone can evade retaliation. If a man originally had some goodness in him, some connection with positive potencies of nature which form him as human, then he will never evade it. He has something to lose – and he loses. Only those, who fully took the side of dark forces and are rejected from nature’s life force field, and who has already nothing to lose and no descendants, can temporarily evade this. But later they will perish. And when the time for dark forces will come, they will perish too. These are outbursts of doomed. Agony of dying. Is that worth it to join this heap?

Reasons behind all this

It is clear that there are some negative origins that affect psyche and there are some ways to invoke negative states of psyche. Also, there are some dark forces in nature, rejected by it and seeking to connect with psyche of people to prolong their existence. In that regard they seek ways to negatively affect psyche of people to satisfy their hunger. There are also people manipulated by those forces. They are puppets who also try to influence others (spiritually, through biofield) to pursue their own interests.... But there is God, Nature, field of good-spirited nature life… And all these negative phenomena should have had considerably lesser scale, be doings of isolated individuals, renegades or some small groups of those, possessed by evil forces. But we have it all flourishing. And it was even elevated to rank of global policy and used in psychotronic war against humanity. Something is really extraordinary in all this… Where does this abnormality comes from?

All this is determined by system of social relations. All this is in democracy. Democracy itself is culprit. One of the key and indispensable qualities of democracy is fight for power. Democracy inherently implies interchangeable power and existence of various forces, fighting for this power. Theoretically speaking, power comes to those forces who are more liked by population and who are elected by population. This theory has one particularly vague and uncertain point, which is summed in word “liked”. In general population this “liked” is exceedingly fickle and is determined most often not by essence of matter (through which someone or something should or should not be liked), but by completely unrelated things, including utter nonsense. Some set of such irrelevant things is always used to agitate sympathies for one and antipathy for another. Here we already have quite powerful tool for manipulating crowd’s opinions. And there are plenty of others.

Democracy in principle is system for manipulating people. And during its development it rather quickly comes to creation of methods for more effective manipulation. And most effectively manipulated are primitive ones, simplified, those who have poorly developed mind. And all forces fighting for power, all who expect to manipulate public opinion are as one interested in such states of population.

And there's more to that. There are those who already obtained power and strive to keep it. Experience shows that the most effective way to keep power in such semi-chaotic and unaccountable system as democracy is to go into shadows. Become ruler behind the curtains or even create controlled and allegedly independent rivaling forces. And to stay stable such authorities can only in case of having rather effective ways for manipulating public opinion, public conscience. For such ends authorities are preoccupied with creation of easily manipulated public conscience.

In democratic societies such things happen automatically. And naturally evolve to the point of applying psychotronic weapons in order to create more easily controlled population.

Democracy by its principle nature is system of degeneration of society. Degeneration of human kind. It was originally created by those very forces rejected by Nature and with that exact purpose – to subdue humankind and try to stay connected with Life as long as possible, in spite of Life itself. For this ends dark forces use mass of their puppets, gathered in certain esoteric organizations, main ones of which are masons and judaists. And these organizations (controlled by dark forces) ever since became backstairs rulers of the world, and real secret practical rulers are nominated from their ranks.

And the rest are shown various spectacles about self-rule of nations. Those nations, in the meantime, are besotted in every way. And become puppets manipulated by dark forces.

It is basically impossible to fight all this by means of public control. It will amount to nothing but deterioration of such efforts and reduction of them to imitations. Democracy itself should be fought as the root of evil lies in democracy as a social system.

Only monarchical power is interested in development of man as such, including development of his mind and spiritual qualities. Only monarchy as God-inspired authority can lead to prosperity of human society.

As one of Romanov royal family and rightful heir of throne of Russian Empire, I suggest my candidacy for this. Detailed information about me and my origin can be found in last chapter of “World’s deepest secret”. Book can be downloaded here:

First published May 27, 2011:

Translator’s note

One of the main difficulties in making correct translation of this article is terminological. Author mainly uses two terms to refer to human intellectual and spiritual sphere – “сознание” and “психика”. They can be translated directly as consciousness and psyche respectively. But as we understand, term “consciousness” in English is in close semantic resemblance with term “awareness”, where in this case “сознание” is closer to terms “mind”, “intellect”. And so in some instances term “сознание” was translated as “mind” and other similar words to refer to its intellectual meanings.

[1] This article is devoted to psychotronics, its known applications, perspectives etc.

[2] All such references to certain phenomena, if not specified specifically, are made about cultural phenomena of Russian-speaking countries.

[5] Loose translation of Yunna Morits’s piece of poetry “When we were young”

Автор признателен Дмитрию Назаренко и Павлу Харюку за работу по переводу данного текста.

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