

вторник, 2 января 2018 г.

Why people have shorter lives

In the past, before, the Flood people were quite different. Let me remind, that phenomenon named the Great Flood had occurred slightly less than 13,000 years ago, and it was related to a cosmic cataclysm that happened in the region of the Asteroid Belt. Details of this event can be found in the book “World’s deepest secret” (in Russian - “Сокровенная тайна мира”).

At that time humanity was divided into two significantly different races, and here we will discuss the more evolutionary advanced one that was considered the higher. This remark is done for the sake of objectiveness - most of representatives of the current white race are descendants of that higher race, and the action of phenomena described below is fairly valid for these people. Whether it is true for the whole humankind is still an open question.

One of the specific traits of those people was that they lived significantly longer. Typical life expectancy of those people (of that higher race) was equal to 168 years. This period was influenced by planet Uranus and was equal to its double orbital period (that is, two solar years for Uranus). It is likely that people could live either more and less than this term, but standard life expectancy was equal to it, i.e. the averaged value came down to this number.

Life of those people was divided into several considerably well pronounced periods. To describe it, let us first run through some general principles according to which those periods were shaped.

One of the principal cycles of those people’s life was equal to 7 years and was called a septenary (in Russian -
семерица ([sɪmɪr’ɪtsə]). Such a cyclization system probably sprung from comparison of orbital periods for Uranus and Jupiter - the path which Jupiter travels in a year Uranus completes in 7 years. Thus, Jupiter makes 7 revolutions in time it takes Uranus to finish one.

Next cycle was equal to 21 years. It contained 3 septenaries and was consequently named a trinity (in Russian -
троица [tr’oɪtsə]). Mapping it to celestial movements, this period is referred to a triplicity of Uranus during its orbital period. Let me remind that astrological year is divided into 12 months by means of matching celestial movements of Jupiter and Sun, and solar triplicity lasts 3 months which have its own astrological cyclization in the calendar, and it takes 3 and 21 years for Jupiter and Uranus respectively to cover the distance of solar triplicity.

And so periodization of human life was subject to septenaries and trinities. This was the basic periodization of life:
-          the first trinity - childhood (up to 21 years inclusive),
-          the second trinity - youth (up to 42),
-          the third and the fourth trinities - early adulthood (up to 84),
-          next four trinities - adulthood (up to 168).

Childhood and youth had quite obvious divisions into septenaries. The first septenary of childhood was a babyhood, the second one was a childhood itself, and the third period was adolescence. There was apparent septenary periodization for youth also, and it is noticeable up to present days. Other septenary periods were not so evident, but the last septenary in life came in full force - it was a time of aging and fading when people gradually turned their lives to life in spirit.

And like that, the lives of those people were built on the following basis. First, a long childhood with plenty of time for forming higher quality psyche which in turn led to more complete and deep personalities (even though adolescent children physically looked like grown-ups, they were treated as children, allowing them to come of age without accelerating to the adult stage). Then was the period of youth which lasted until 42 years. This period was still a form of education and continuation of personality shaping, rather than actual responsible adult life. From 42 to 84 years it was a childbearing and childrearing period - by this time families usually already came into being, and the majority of people’s concerns were centered on their domesticities until the age of 84. And only starting from the age of 84 people became complete adults, socially conscious in full measure - they turned their minds to society as a whole and dedicated their lives to serving it.

This system of life meant that societies were shaped and directed by fully grown adults, elderly people. These grown adults led healthy productive lives, long enough to build their environment, guide and direct it wisely, having a rich experience in life. It was significantly different system of life, and it was considerably superior system of life.

Besides that there were those people who lived significantly longer than usual 168 years. They included monarchs whose longevity was several times longer - it was very important for stability of societies; even when monarch crossed the Great Divide, he was leaving his place not to a young man, but to a ready for ruling successor, easily found across abundant circle of progeny accumulated during his long life. By the way, in the Old Testament lifetimes of patriarchs, who were monarchs in ancient hebrew societies, are referred to; other ancient manuscripts also tell us about even larger lifespans. Another long-lived people were representatives of spiritual knowledge of that time - magicians and similar to them practitioners who required a long life to fruitfully interact with spiritual world, a life devoted to such interaction.

When the Flood had occurred, it turned out to be the cataclysm which drastically enforced the degradation forces. For long thousands of years the higher race struggled for opportunity to remain themselves, yielding, however, their positions step by step which resulted in degradation to less developed race. One of the significant, principal mechanisms by which people were led to degradation was limiting of their longevity. In fact, adults in original sense vanished along with past wisdom and ability to create harmonious life in society. Having lost their adulthood, childish people started to become puppets of various outer spiritual forces the majority of which were clearly of demonical type, those very forces of degradation. “Man is just a god’s plaything”.

People’s life span was drastically decreased in the last millennia. Exactly since that time “yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years” (Genesis 6:3) came into reality, and further down the history this life span became even less. After a while
the “normal” longevity was established at the level of 84 years, one orbital period of Uranus. People began living half the original lifetime, and, moreover, even not reaching this limit. And they were substantially different people - the clear “god’s” playthings.

Thus, the Bible conducts to us the fact that shortened longevity - 120 years, was established by “God” since some time ago, and later it was decreased even further. There, in the Old Testament, the story revolves around jewish gods which are mostly not the Universal God whom we usually have in mind. In the most cases that story de facto refers to “gods” emanating from Mount Sinai and the pyramids in Egypt, where lunar and
afs* (hermaphroditic) forces have appeared. Detailed description of the alignment of forces in ancient hebrew passions is given in my article “The tenth Plague of Egypt as the key to understanding Hebrew history” (in Russian):

Here we will not go over these, clearly demonic in nature, forces. But still, it is rather an interesting lead in the search for that very “God” whom we owe drastic decrease in human longevity…

And now we are moving to practical aspects. The very practice that is the standard of truth. This is my personal practice, the practice of man who has strong abilities to sense spiritual energies and manifestations of the spiritual world. Having reached the age of 60 (I was born in 1957, and I am 60 years old at the time of writing this article), I came to experience those changes that come with age.

All older people have a very specific energetical field. It is hard to confuse it with any other, so every person who has any seeds of extra sensory perception can easily sense it. Upon touching them, taking their hands, these sensations manifest themselves quite well. This energetic field may be called spirit of wilting, sometimes it could be sensed by its characteristic vibrations which implies it is also vibrational in nature.

And so, since recently I often had spontaneous spiritual contacts with the Egyptian pyramids. It was not a direct connection but its energetics started to hum somewhere at background time and time again. And soon after that I started to sense the presence of that specific energetics of older age, the spirit of wilting. This spirit was not generated inside me but came from outside forcing itself on me as a clear outer force. And this force, this specific energetics was emanating from the Egyptian pyramids, was directly connected with them. As soon as they (forces of pyramids) understood that I have detected the source of this carefully enforced energetics, they immediately cut the contact off, holed up, and this specific energy stopped to be enforced on me.

According to my experience, all of this is definitely connected with pyramids. This magic is definitely emanating from the pyramids, and it operates in the planetary spiritual space influencing human archetype (or the archetype of the past higher race at the very least). And due to this magic, the black magic of pyramids, people get to live significantly shorter lives than the time limit given to them by nature. The pyramids are the ones responsible for people’s early undoing and activation of mechanisms, according to which a person is to be prepared for transit from this life to the next ahead of time.

It should be noted, however, that my case is rather rare in that the forces of pyramids chose to influence me directly. Usually they act not in individual way towards each person, but towards the whole humankind at the level of global archetype, according to which the life of every person is shaped. It worked like that since the beginning, only people of first generations who lived in that time could feel the source of it, then it became anonymized, manifesting itself without traceable source, acting through the archetype space (as well as, for example, many potencies in ancestral spirit of some lines, which were inserted there at some point, may seem to be natural and automatic mechanisms). Why did these forces begin to act in a different way now? It is simply because now is a special time, a sort of transitional period during which many automatically acting things of the past are not so reliable anymore, without previous robustness. Forces of pyramids have to support them to maintain previous rates of progress, they have to project such influences directly on individuals whose spiritual level is too high, but who still remain in the domain of basic archetype of humanity, and hence can transform this archetype step by step. This was how such a rare case of exposing eventuated, giving a chance to detect the source of that “natural” energetics’ activity.

One of the biblical stories could also be considered evidence for connection between abovementioned source and pyramids. The time point when this disaster was set in motion may be approximately judged by records of jewish patriarchs’ longevity. Let me remind that patriarchs were kings of ancient hebrews, and they naturally lived longer than ordinary people (it was built in stereotypes of life of the former higher race). But their life expectancy was being decreased step by step, followed by drastical break of decreasing, indicating appearance of some additional factors which considerably contributed to shortening of life expectancy. (Besides that, the Bible has alternative course of events for the Flood - but it is very different story, it refers to other events under colour of allegedly common chronology, that is why we shall keep our discussion from touching it; we are interested in only one particular question, and life chronology of the latest patriarchs may answer this question).

Eber who lived 6 generations before Abraham, died at the age of 464, according to the Torah. Then longevity plummeted, and lifetime of next patriarchs was only half as long: Phaleg (Peleg) lived to an age of 239, Ragau (Reu) coming after him died at exactly the same age. Next are Serug with 230 years of living, Nahor (Nachor, Naghor) who did not die of natural causes at age of 148 and thus does not prove the trend, Terah (Terach) - age of 205, and Abraham - age of 175. Abraham was born around 1,800 B.C. (1,812 year B.C., to be precise), and the period from birth year of the first patriarch who had shorter life (Peleg) to Abraham’s birth year took 191 year what is approximately equal to 200 years.

Thus, around 2,000 B.C. the longevity of those people was drastically decreased. The Egyptian pyramids were built somewhere around 2,500 B.C. Altogether it matches supposed timeline - it took around 500 years for the forces of pyramids to learn how the ropes worked, to gather notable power, and to get sufficiently efficient system of influences on people up and running. And after that they’ve put up the pressure on humanity, making it into their “playthings” as well as not letting people to live up to proper adulthood age in order to facilitate further manipulations.

Here it is worth to turn our attention to the way in which the Bible addresses the fact of people’s longevity decreasing to 120 years. Literally it reads as follows: “And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years” (Genesis 6:3). That is, it wisely indicates the message for those who read between the lines - such a “God” had a spirit unheeded by people, he behaved himself clearly not as a light force - this “God” perceived people from a lofty throne, neglectfully, called them “flesh” (people, whom he allegedly created to be “after the image and likeness”). Even this already suffices to let the reader know what kind of “God” is meant. But given the fact that the Pentateuch is initially a text of hidden meanings which come to light by selective reading of separated phrases scattered across texts, it is fair to assume that the image of this “God” was intended to be even more clear (unfortunately, nowadays a lot of things can only be reconstructed only through actual contact with spiritual energetics and only in case of having proper spiritual sensitivity - the keys had been losts, and this knowledge is available only in spirit).

Thus, according to outlined picture, it can be said with confidence that the culprit behind people’s longevity decrease (i.e., the original longevity given to people by the real God) is that biblical “God” who is emanating from the pyramids of Giza, that “God” who is the spirit of great pyramids of Egypt. This picture emerges not only on the basis of my personal practical case described above or from interpretations of biblical texts - these are only icings on the cake - such a picture emerges on the basis of my whole life worth of experience of interacting with spiritual world. I have my own abilities to sense spiritual substance and I am studying the spiritual matter for almost all my conscious life - and I describe a lot of my knowledge in books, articles, all of it is available on the Internet, so everyone interested may study this knowledge and reconstruct the general picture. Everything there adds up to a consistent set of puzzle pieces which gives rise to only one overall picture.

That overall picture tells us that at one point of the decadence period of humankind which lasts for about 13,000 years some forces took action, and having drastically increased their influence with building of the pyramids, these forces became dominant amongst all other forces which prevailed over humanity and made things significantly worse. They aggravated humanity’s decline through many mechanisms of indirect influence, but one of the major such mechanisms was to significantly decrease longevity in order to prevent people’s maturation for easier manipulation of them in the quality of naive, brainless immature creatures.

From all that has been said follows one simple clear conclusion - the pyramids must be demolished. Their destruction will drastically weaken the forces emanated from there, and these forces will lose their possibilities for acting against humanity. And a lot of other things will change, so much so that people’s longevity will significantly increase in spontaneous way. I do not presume that it will instantly return to the normal value of two-year cycle of Uranus, but these mechanisms are still built in humanity’s archetype and will naturally lean towards recovery, they will begin to go about their work step by step. In the nearest perspective, it will lead to getting rid of energetical vibrations of the spirit of wilting projected on the humankind which in turn will simply mean significantly postponed old age and significantly longer life.

The only point is that in practice, demolishing of pyramids is not that easy, and at least long decades (if not longer) will have to pass until such time when people will be up to the task.

And this is where one interesting opportunity emerges. This is the opportunity to neutralize or at least significantly weaken the mechanisms leading to early demise. The key principle for this opportunity is that “exposed magic is magic that no longer works”. It is often true for destructive magic. As soon as the source of negative influence becomes obvious, by having set one’s mind against it one can eliminate said influence, or at least the results of such influence would significantly weaken.

That is not true in most cases when there is a source of significant power that influences a person flagrantly, and the only way to become free of it is to eliminate it or to severe any connection with it. Such is the case for pyramids in the past. They had created country of puppets under their control (Ancient Egypt), and this country was their strong security base allowing them to start affecting the whole humankind flagrantly, while none of humankind could help it. But now situation is quite different.

They do not have previous power today. They are acting via established spiritual mechanisms of action and their best created stereotypes which work almost automatically, and which only need some support to continue to be efficient. But their own power is waning. We are dealing with archaic fading system that is trying to extend its existence by means of its mastery and old accomplishments to survive in the new world. There it may somehow try to grow in strength again. But now at current time of transition when all former depravity is being carried away, the system of actions which is emanating from pyramids is quite weak.

It is possible to get rid of it just by preventing it from acting as before. To do so, it is enough to know that the influence comes from pyramids, that action takes place by projection the specific vibrations on people; it is necessary to make up our mind against all of these actions, not letting them to be running on in the subconscious.  Firm enough mood which is shared by many people will significantly obstruct the possibility of their automated old actions.

Moreover, it will greatly facilitate the possibility to join actions against pyramids for other positive spiritual forces which are also interested in their neutralization. That is why it will be effective. But it requires specific states of mind across general population. These states of mind have to be based on sufficient understanding of the process. Potency of adequate magnitude of rejection against pyramids must be arised in society.

And in order to let such potency come into being, the knowledge should be spreaded across the modern society. Sufficient spreading of it may result in automatic unblocking. The enemy hiding in the shadows is just to be brought out into daylight. The reader is kindly requested to help it come into being.

* Af [ʌf], Ath as compound word: Athan, Leviathan, Athos, Athena, but not always (Afghanistan, Africa). Differences in f/th endings are accounted for rules of English language. As a matter of fact, either Af or Ath are two variants of one word.

Автор благодарен Дмитрию Назаренко и Павлу Харюку за перевод данной статьи

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